Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Much to my surprise, urbandictionary didn't contain an entry for 'friendsumer,' something I had to reassure a long-lost friend who recently contacted me looking for a referral on the Continent that he was not. I rushed through the "example of the word being used in a sentence" section, so I won't reproduce it here, but the basic definition of the word follows. Please feel free to share feedback to refine the definition or offer an alternative.

friendsumer - (noun): One who treats friends and the relationships that define them as expendable commodities to be consumed when convenient, depleted, used-up and eventually tossed-away without concern for the norms of social behavior and interaction.


  1. Hahaha, I think it's a perfect word. We met a few last year in Innsbruck. It's amazing to me though that fewer people will take UP offers for visits when you have space. I've run into a million more people that never even tried versus the friendsumers. In a way, I can almost forgive the -sumers, because they're getting out there.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to share, Jered. Good to know that the friendsumers aren't over-running the planet yet.

    Remember folks - don't forget to say thanks and reciprocate!


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