Friday, February 12, 2010

UPDATED: Daily Distractions

So you're rooting for Quick Step this year, right? UPDATE: Moving on, here is a photo of another D2 submitted by a Pappillon reader:


  1. Joe, I see you have embraced my pandering rule of blogging. Traffic up, baby. Now you gettin' sexy wid it. Twisted Spoke

  2. Hey, whatever it takes...

  3. "Pap Smear"?

    You're better than that Joe...

  4. Hey, traffic is waaaay up. Thinking of converting this to an all soft-core porn site, or contracting Burt Hoovis to do full-time content creation. Just kidding.

  5. You did not go very far out of your way did you? It pretty small of you to know you should have continued to go out of your way, but could not.

  6. Funny! Seems Pez can dish out, but we can not give, in order to comment anonymously on blogs Papp's? Weak! But the great reading here - this blog better every week.

    I remember when Papp Pez flick after his intervue only when the follow-up was negative letter to the editor comparing Papp at gynecological examination of women. Revenge is a dish that is served cold + nice to see a person intervue not be pushed around and returns to strike bunch of wannabe hacks.

  7. Cycling jerseys never looked so good to me before. Damn!

  8. "whatever it takes..." Is that not the attitutde that got you in trouble in the first place. You indicated that it was not worth it, but yet you seem destined to repeat it. I would hope that you of all people would appreciate that the "whatever it takes attitude" is flawed and as person who used dope do you have any right to commment on anyone else's quest for glory. To me you are not all enough to stand on that high horse.


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