Monday, November 30, 2009


Not having a major purpose for your life is like trying to navigate without a chart. You may eventually get somewhere you like, or you may drift aimlessly, always hoping-but never finding-the place where you would like to be. As you grow as a person, so will your major purpose. It is the natural order of things that, when you reach the top of one mountain, you will look around for higher peaks to climb. In life, either you are moving forward or you are going backward. When you plot your course carefully and thoughtfully, you can ensure that you are going in the right direction.

Non avere un obiettivo importante per la tua vita è come cercare di navigare senza un grafico. Si può finalmente arrivare da qualche parte che ti piace, oppure si può deriva senza meta, sempre con la speranza-ma-non trovare mai il luogo in cui si vorrebbe essere. Come crescere come persona, così il tuo obiettivo principale. È l'ordine naturale delle cose che, quando si raggiunge la cima di una montagna, si guardano intorno per cercare di scalare vette più elevate. Nella vita, o ci si sposta in avanti o si sta andando indietro. Quando si stampa il tuo corso di attenzione e pensieroso, è possibile garantire che si sta andando nella giusta direzione.


  1. I dunno man. I've been pretty Type A about my goals for the majority of my life, but I've noticed that there are lots of people out there who aren't the most goal oriented and who seem to have lots of fun.

    Just sayin'...


  2. Burt, your perspective is an important one. Happiness does not necessarily rely on the achievement of a major goal upon which one was focused for an extended period. For example, one might have few goals - if any - at the professional level (other than to keep one's job and benefits), and derive little satisfaction or deep joy from work, but find total fulfillment through unscripted family life.

    But I wonder if the folks you mention, who seem to be drifting (I assume you mean w/ respect to professional success) but "have lots of fun" - actually don't have detailed leisure or family time "goals" that might exist only on the subconscious level.


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