Sunday, December 05, 2010

New Website ONLINE NOW

While we have enjoyed our time with Blogger, this version of Pappillon seems to be going the way of our WordPress site, and will be integrated into a completely new The bugs are still being worked out of the new site's content, which is incomplete at present, but check there for new blog posts before you click back here. Time will tell to what degree the integrated-blog serves the needs of you, the readers. Stay tuned - but not here.


  1. Don't you find it highly ironic that you have absolutely destroyed every part of cycling - your own career and now the careers of hundreds of other cyclists by your online endeavors and yet you continue to find pride in posting pictures of yourself on a bike and take pride in your unjustly acquired results. You are a disgraced cyclist, a disgraced american citizen and a hypocrite that will use any means necessary to save his own ass. Let me tell you one thing, prison doesn't appreciate any of those traits.

    I am writting this as an onlooker and neither a participant in this dirty sport that you have wiped your ass with over the last 10 years.

  2. blah, blah, blah ... it's not easy to be a critic if the words fall out under your own name, rather than "Anonymous," is it?

  3. Hey Anonymous,

    It's true. Prison only selects the most upstanding, morally courageous and law-abiding citizens to grace their hallowed halls. I doubt they'll even let Joe in.

    As a casual onlooker and non-participant your views are even more highly valued. Thank you.

    Finally, you are correct in blaming Joe for the dozens (hundreds?) of other cyclists he personally corrupted. If it weren't for him, the entire sport would be totally transparent and filled with gaily-skipping spandexulites dripping with personal integrity.



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