To my friends all over the world, I love you, I miss you, Happy New Year, les quiero mucho, les extaño muchisimo, Feliz Año 2007...
Sunday, December 31, 2006
El año que viene en Cuba!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Veselé Vánoce a šťastný nový rok

The Christmas Holiday season officially begins with St. Nicholas Day. This marks the start of baking Vanocni Cukrovi (Christmas candies and sweets). Each family has its special goodies to share with other families and friends. Part of the Holiday includes visiting friends and celebrating together. It is customary for those who had quarreled during the year to forgive each other publicly.
A tree is bought, secretly hidden away; no one is allowed to see it until after dinner on December 24th. Only the head of the household trims the tree, done on Christmas Eve morn, and only he or she can see the tree until that magic moment when Jezisek, the Christ child arrives (which always happens after dinner).
The Christmas tree is decorated with handmade ornaments using walnut shells wrapped in colored paper or gilded. Some use eggshells decorated to look like fish or angels. Colored pin wheels resembling snowflakes and stars are hung by a thread. A small crèche is placed at the base of the tree. Gifts are put under the tree before 6 o’clock in great secrecy.
One December 23rd people go out and buy the traditional Christmas carp for dinner. Several days earlier, huge wooden barrels appeared in the cities with live carp swimming around in them. The buyer points to the fish he or she wants and the fun of trying to catch it begins. Most often the carp is taken home alive and allowed to swim in the family bathtub until Christmas even morning. Best cuts of the carp are covered with flour, dipped in egg, covered with bread crumbs and fried. Lesser cuts are baked with dried prunes and served with dumplings mixed with butter-fried cubes of bread. Some carp is made in plain gelatin as Rosol and served cold as salad. The head and tail are wrapped in white cloth, boiled, and the stock is made into soup with vegetables and served with croutons.
There was caroling in the streets and homes on Christmas. Sometimes the carolers carried miniature Bethlehem scenes along. It was customary to invite them in for a glass of wine and vanocka, a sweet bread made with nuts, raisins and candied fruit. There is much dancing and eating after the fasting which ends on Christmas Eve. Sometimes little boys dressed as The Three Kings to out singing for treats.
Dinner begins at 6 o’clock with members of the family standing and praying together, and then when the mother gives the signal, they all sit down at the same time to dinner and no one is allowed to get up, no matter what ! They may share aplatky and honey before the meal. Christmas Eve supper might include pearl barley soup with mushrooms, carp, potato salad, fruits and decorated cookies. In some families there is a custom of putting a small coin under each person’s plate to symbolize wealth in the coming year, and that coin is carried around for good luck. When dinner is over they all stand at the same time and wish each other a Joyous Christmas Stastne a Vesele Vanoce. Then they embrace and finally rush to the tree and the gifts are distributed and opened. A quiet evening is spent until Midnight Mass.
Sometimes the children slept on a bedding of straw on the floor under a table or the Christmas tree. This custom allowed them to take part in the Lord’s poor and humble birth.
Christmas dinner might consist of giblet soup with noodles, roast goose with dumplings and kraut, braided coffee cake, kolace, fruit, nuts and coffee. Some games were played. One is the placing of tiny lit candles into nutshells and floating them in a tub or water; the player whose candle burns the longest is the winner.
The Christmas tree represents a symbolic ladder to the heavens. As a result of this, ornaments are hung on the tree depending on what their symbolic position is in life. As an example, vegetables and fruits are closest to the earth. Therefore, they are hung on the lower third of the Christmas tree. Houses, churches, people and animals should be placed in the middle region of the tree. Birds, angels, moons and stars should hang from the middle of the tree to the top to symbolize their closeness to the heavens.
Angel: Represents the angel who appeared before Mary, asking her to be the mother of Jesus
Popcorn: Signifies the rope Joseph held as he led the donkey to Bethlehem
Walnuts: Are for the gifts from the three wise men
Oranges: A special fruit only available during the Christmas season
Wheat: A symbol of life, prosperity and nourishment
Cloth as the base of the tree: Represents Jesus’ swaddling clothes
Apples: Remind us of Adam and Eve
White dove: Placed near the top of the tree to evoke peace
Carrot: Often given to a new wife to bring good luck in the kitchen
Mushrooms: Considered to be lucky and mean good fortune is at hand
Pine cones and evergreen trees: Symbols of eternal life
Corn: Symbolizes prosperity, fertility
Pickle: Hidden on the Christmas tree
Whoever finds it first on Christmas morning, gets an extra gift left by St. Nicholas (Svaty Mikulas).
Houses and Churches: Symbols of village life
Farm Animals: Traditional symbols of everyday village life
Birds: Symbols of joy and cheerfulness
Swan: Symbol of gracefulness
Pineapple: Symbol of friendship and hospitality
Owl: Symbols of wisdom
Musical Instruments: Symbolizes the joy that music and singing brings during the Holiday season
Stars, Moons & Angels: Symbolizes the closest you can get to Heaven
During the Dark Ages, natives of remote northern Bohemia (present day Czech Republic) originated an art form in glassblowing, which not only holds a unique place in the 4000 year history of this ancient art, but has become a cherished part of Christian tradition. The Bohemians had learned his skill (a heritage of Egypt) from wandering Venetian tradesmen. They used it to create glass ornaments for adornment of the fir tree in their Yule celebration of the winter sun solstice. Early Christians adapted this custom of decorating the evergreen to their celebration of the birth of Christ, and thus the Christmas three was born. Down through the centuries, the glass blowers of Bohemia became famous throughout the world for their blown glass Christmas ornaments. The root of early glass blowers remained in Bohemia, where beautiful ornaments are still produced, using forms over 1000 years old.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Oro para Lisandra Guerra en Copa Mundial de ciclismo en Moscú

La velocista de 19 años de edad completó la distancia en 34.336 segundos, a una media de 52.423 kilómetros por hora, para superar su récord nacional de 34.609, tiempo que le reportó la medalla de bronce en el Campeonato del Mundo en Burdeos, en abril pasado.
La matancera tomó desquite de la belarusa Natallia Tsylinskaya, actual titular del orbe, quien la había superado el viernes en la final de la velocidad.
Tsylinskaya cronometró 34.802, en tanto la lituana Simona Krupeckaite detuvo los relojes en 35.200 para lograr el bronce, la misma presea que alcanzó un día antes en al velocidad.
Lisandra se quedó a menos de medio segundo del tope universal (33.944), fijado por la australiana Anna Meares el pasado 18 de noviembre en Sydney, en el transcurso de la primera etapa de la Copa.
El viernes, la doble campeona mundial juvenil de Viena 2005 se quedó a sólo una centésima del primado absoluto en la velocidad ( 200 metros ), con crono de 10.841 segundos, por los 10.831 que fijó la rusa Olga Slioussareva en Moscú, el 25 de abril de 1993.
La becada del Centro Mundial de Ciclismo en Aigle, Suiza, conquistó el primer triunfo para Cuba en una Copa del Mundo, desde la victoria de Yumari González en el keirin de la fase de Monterrey, México, en abril de 2002.
Ese éxito se une a las sendas medallas de plata de la propia Lisandra en la velocidad y de Yoanka González en la carrera por puntos.
También hoy sábado, Alexis Sotolongo y Yasmani Poll quedaron relegados a los puestos 28 y 35 en la velocidad, con respectivos tiempos de 10.506 y 10.712 segundos.
En la prueba, siete hombres bajaron de los 10 segundos, encabezados por el holandés Theo Bos, quien cronometró 9.892, muy cerca de la plusmarca del orbe (9.865), que fijó el canadiense Curt Harnett en Bogotá, el 28 de 1995.
Para el domingo está prevista la participación de Yumari y Yoanka González en la prueba del scratch, Michel Fernández en la carrera por puntos y el trío de Alexis Sotolongo, Yasmani Poll y Julio Cesar Herrera en la velocidad por equipos.
Después de Moscú, la Copa del Mundo de ciclismo de pista continuará en 2007 con sus dos ultimas fases en Los Ángeles (19-21 de enero) y Manchester (23-25 de febrero), previas al campeonato del orbe, señalado del 29 de marzo al 1 de abril en Palma de Mallorca, España.
Summer in Andalusia
Mario Llerena, 93, Dies; Castro Ally, Then Critic

Published: December 12, 2006
Mario Llerena, a Cuban intellectual who was an early representative of Fidel Castro in the United States but who broke with him before he took power because of Mr. Castro’s shift toward Communism, died Sunday in Miami. He was 93.
His daughter, Stella Portada, said yesterday that he had died of natural causes at an assisted living center in Miami after recovering from a bout of pneumonia.
Mr. Llerena met Mr. Castro in Mexico in the mid-1950s as Mr. Castro was preparing for an invasion of Cuba to overthrow the military dictator Fulgencio Batista. At Mr. Castro’s request, Mr. Llerena put into writing the democratic ideals that underpinned the Castro movement in the early days of the uprising. The document, "Nuestra Razón" ("Our Reason"), was published in Mexico.
It was in 1957, a few months after Mr. Castro was widely believed to have been killed in the invasion, that Mr. Llerena played a pivotal role in skirting General Batista’s attempt to censor any news about it.
Read the rest here.