Saturday, December 21, 2013

Scuba cat

scu·ba cat (skoo-buh kat)


1. A cat that enjoys being in water.
2. A sopping-wet pussy.
3. Term of endearment.


1. Cry of warning to persons in a swimming pool who are in danger of being struck by airborne cat.
Origin(s): late-2000s, a scuba-diving calico featured on an episode of Discovery Channel's "How Stuff Works" show, with its own commercial.


  • "Chester hates getting wet! ... Yeah, he's no scuba cat."
  • "Miss u Scuba Cat! Sending u lotsa luv & kitty kisses! home by 8PM! xoxo" (via text)
  • "Heads-up! ... Scuba cat!!" (throws cat into pool)